Kottayam business@melbix.com

Mobile Application Development.

Flutter Mobile App Development

Flutter is an open-source Software Development Kit(SDK) for creating cross-platform mobile applications.

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Android Mobile App Development

Android is an open-source software stack for building native mobile apps that runs in Android operating system.

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React Native Mobile App Development

It's a UI software framework to create applications for Android, Android TV, macOS, tvOS, iOS, Windows, and Web.

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iOS App Development

iOS is a mobile operating system by Apple Inc for Apple-manufactured devices including iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

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If you require services on a public holiday, overnight services or live-in services, please call (+91)811 3000 551 , so we can discuss the idea with you. We are here to help you anytime for your business growth by providing advanced software applications & marketing services.

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Flutter Development.

Flutter is a cross-platform app development framework for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. This open-source, SDK develops native interfaces on Android and iOS in a short timeline and with higher efficiency. Due to the increased popularity, thousands of Flutter apps have secured a good place in the app stores. The key benefit of using this app development technology is the ability to use a single programming language to develop apps for both iOS and Android. Actually, this app is equipped with a powerful, modern technology that helps businesses all around the globe reach new customers on mobile platforms. If you’re thinking about expanding your reach and services to smartphones then, Flutter is the best choice. We here at Melbix have a team of professional UX/UI designers, developers, and mobile strategists who provide high-quality Flutter development services. We assert that Melbix creates a novel, scalable as well as eye-catching apps for you and it definitely satisfies your requirements.

Android App Development.

Android is an open-source and Linux-based operating system, developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google, and other companies for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Due to the flexible and friendly nature, it has won the heart of almost 70 percent of mobile phone users in the world. Android app development has become a requisite to all sorts of businesses in this era. At Melbix, our development team includes experienced Android app developers. They use the Android Software Development Kit, which includes Android Emulator, Android Plugin Tools (ADT), and other extremely valuable mobile apps development tools. These tools extend into the Eclipse environment and help our developer consistently create high-performance mobile apps that meet your business needs.


React Native Mobile App Development.

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework for building native iOS and Android applications using JavaScript. It has gained immense popularity as a hybrid app technology that performs exactly like that of Native Apps. The biggest benefit to React Native is its rapid development and platform agnosticism. It offers faster mobile development, and more efficient code sharing across iOS, Android, and the Web, without sacrificing the end user’s experience or application quality. As a leading React Native app development company, we have extremely refined approaches and methods that help us successfully deploy hundreds of innovative solutions globally.


IOS App Development.

iOS is a mobile operating system developed by Apple and widely known for its user-friendly intuitive interface. This operating system supports Apple hardware, including iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. iOS-based apps enjoy a high level of security, bringing the possibility of hacking to almost nothing. Developing an iOS app requires selecting the right design platform and programming language either Swift or Objective-C. Here, at Melbix, we have experienced developers who are passionate about building iOS Apps.